Dear Editor:
Regarding the proposal to move the Fintry Queen to Summerland, a bad idea.
At the risk of being labeled as a CAVE man (Citizens Against Virtually Everything,) which I am not, having this derelict vessel near Summerland will be a detraction rather than an attraction.
If it鈥檚 not economically viable to run it out of 琉璃神社, then it鈥檚 even less likely to be a success in Summerland.
If it comes here, then when the business fails, Summerland would be stuck with the same problem 琉璃神社 has now.
It鈥檚 a fake paddlewheeler that as such has no historic value.
If we want a historic lake boat it should be a restored stream driven paddlewheeler like the SS Sicamous.
So far no other towns want it either and it is a blight on the lake.
It should be cut up for scrap steel or sunk for a diving playground.
In this case, as it was a government ferry, I think the B.C. Government should be somewhat on the hook for the end of life costs to clean this thing up.
John Gregg