The alternate approval process (AAP) will be used to ask Central Okanagan residents if they want the regional district (RDCO) to borrow funds to cover construction costs associated with the Okanagan Regional Library (ORL) branch, located in the over budget West 琉璃神社 City Hall.
that its share of the community's new municipal building was $6.17 million over budget, and ORL鈥檚 portion of the project was $12.41 million, compared to $9 million in 2021 (per ORL鈥檚 update on Oct. 27, 2024).
At its March 20 meeting, the RDCO Board directed staff to proceed with an AAP that would permit the regional district to borrow $2.5 million on behalf of the ORL. The library will be responsible for the debt.
The AAP is a form of approval that allows electors to indicate whether they are against a local government proposal moving forward. It was used to borrow $8 million fo partially fund the Fire Hall #32 replacement in West 琉璃神社.
Eligible residents must complete an elector response form stating they are opposed to borrowing funds. If 10 per cent (20,835) of voters reject a borrowing bylaw, the board cannot adopt the bylaw without a referendum. The deadline to receive elector responses is May 1 at 4 p.m.
The AAP will be advertised on the , through its and with local media. Information on the process, forms and the elector notice is also available on .
Response forms will be available at the RDCO鈥榮 administration offices (1450 KLO Road), , West 琉璃神社 City Hall, and the West 琉璃神社 branch of the ORL (both at 3731 Old Okanagan Hwy).