A University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBCO) master's student is the Green Party of Canada's candidate for Vernon-Lake Country-Monashee in this spring's federal election.
Blair Visscher is running for the Greens in the riding, according to the party's .
Visscher's bio on the website states she is running for the Greens because she believes the party can lead efforts to address the high cost of living while protecting the environment and ensuring a sustainable future.
Visscher is currently pursuing a master's degree in sustainability at UBCO, and works with the Living with Wildfires in the Okanagan research group. She was previously a high school social studies teacher and a passionate advocate for food security. Visscher holds a bachelor's degree in political science as well as a bachelor of education.
As CEO of the North Okanagan-Shuswap Green Party electoral district association, Visscher has expanded its board by more than 75 per cent, her bio states.
"If elected, I will work to support local farmers in adapting to climate change — because they are the backbone of our past, present, and future. I will also fight for real solutions to the housing and cost of living crisis, ensuring that everyone in our community has access to affordable housing and essential services," Visscher said.
Her vision for Vernon-Lake Country-Monashee includes better public transportation, drought and wildfire-resilient communities and a shift towards proactive and sustainable policies.
"The challenges we face require bold action, but they also present opportunities. By implementing the Green Party’s vision, we can build a future where we take care of each other, protect our environment, and create new opportunities for generations to come," her bio states.
The federal election is scheduled for April 28.