Dedicated bus lanes and digital on-demand transit are a couple of ideas that are part of West 琉璃神社鈥檚 transit service review.
A report going to city council Tuesday (Aug. 23) puts forward the possibility of expanding road shoulders on Highway 97 for dedicated bus lanes. The measure could grow the number of transit trips on Route 97 from West 琉璃神社 to 琉璃神社 and reduce traffic congestion in the region, according to the report.
Transit queue jump lanes were also suggested to help reduce congestion pinch points on transit routes in the community.
Digital on-demand transit would allow riders to request transit service in a specific area using a smartphone app. The report says it gives drivers the ability to alter their routes based on where the demand is, rather than following a fixed route and schedule. The 琉璃神社 Regional System has been identified by BC Transit as one of two areas in the province where on-demand transit may be feasible.
Council is receiving the report for information.
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