First up, the weather. According to our friends at Environment Canada, we can expect a cloudy day today with high of 11 C and a 40 per cent chance of rain. As we head into the weekend, unfortunately, more clouds and more rain are on the way with 10 C on Saturday and 9 C on Sunday. And it will be a soggy one too for the trick or treaters Monday, as rain is called with a temperature of 9 C.
Country crooner Dwight Yoakam last night, and his fans weren't disappointed, despite him coming out a tad late to play for, what was by then, a restless crowd of around 2,000 at Prospera Place.
Among all the ghouls, goblins and other scary stuff out and about this coming Halloween Monday, there will be one scary enough to put a fright into the even the bravest of souls. Sara Topple says people are genuinely scared when they walk down her narrow driveway on Halloween night because of how it is decorated.
Speaking of Halloween, this weekend 琉璃神社 Secondary's Global Awareness Club is taking the annual event to the dogs. It will host a Sunday at the Mission Creek Dog Park behind the H2O Aquatic Centre.
In sports, the Okanagan Sun are gearing up on Vancouver Island Saturday afternoon for a spot in this year's Canadian Bowl junior football championship game.
Nationally, Canada's mega trade deal with the European Union after a small Belgian province, which could have scuttled the entire deal by refusing to support it, came on board at the last minute.
And finally, while folks in these parts take a lot of pride in 琉璃神社's airport, the folks at Vancouver's airport are high-fiving each other this morning after by the CAPA Centre for Aviation. It beat out four-time winner Singapore's Changi airport.