UPDATED: 3 p.m. Thursday
RCMP said shortly before 8:30 a.m., a northbound Ford Explorer crossed the centre line on Highway 97A north of Enderby, near North Enderby Timber, and collided head-on with a southbound Ford F150 pickup.
The female driver of the truck, 58, from Salmon Arm, was airlifted to hospital with serious, undetermined injuries.
The male driver of the SUV, 39, from Aldergrove, was transported to Vernon Jubilee Hospital. He is being investigated for impaired driving and possession of stolen property.
The Explorer had been reported stolen earlier from Merritt.
RCMP have confirmed the male has warrants for his arrest and is a prohibited driver.
Investigators with the RCMP North Okanagan Traffic Services are continuing their investigation into the crash. Police are seeking to hold the male in custody flowing his medical treatment.
RCMP investigators have spoken to witnesses who reported that the suspect vehicle was being driven erratically prior to the crash. Anyone with information or having witnesses the crash who has not spoken to police, are asked to contact the RCMP North Okanagan Traffic Services at 250-838-6818, or via Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
A major accident shut down Highway 97A north of Enderby.
The two-vehicle incident is before the turnoff to Highway 97B to Salmon Arm, north of North Enderby Timber.
The highway has been reopened to single land alternating traffic with up to 20 minute delays.
The accident is believed to involve a fatality as witnesses report seeing the coroner leaving the scene.
A truck and an SUV were involved in the incident, which appears to have been a head-on collision.
The front is sheared off of one of the vehicles while the front and back windows are smashed out of the second truck.
Traffic reconstructionists are on scene and wonβt confirm if the accident is a fatal.
A detour is also available via Enderby Grindrod Road but motorists are advised to expect heavy congestion. The detour is limited to passenger vehicles only.
Updates will be posted as they become available.