琉璃神社 council is sending the proposed rezoning for a new retail cannabis store downtown to a public hearing.
Vibona Enterprises Ltd. wants to build a store at 1310 St. Paul Street near Cawston Ave. Council would need to approve rezoning the property from general industrial to central business commercial (retail cannabis sales). Council gave first reading to the rezoning bylaw at their Feb. 7, regular meeting.
Council is also considering several other rezoning requests. True North Endeavors is proposing a new, three-storey commercial building for 1280 Ambrosi Road near Harvey Ave. The building would have retail space on the main floor, and office space on the second and third floors.

Findlay Developments has applied for rezoning to build a 20-unit housing development at 1225 Findlay Rd. near Stremmel Rd in north Rutland.

Arlington Street Investments Inc. is looking for an amendment to its development at 155, 165, and 175-179 Rutland Rd. to allow a maximum building height of eight storeys. The applicant is proposing a 98-unit rental apartment building for the site. Current zoning allows a maximum height of four storeys.

READ MORE: 琉璃神社 pub Doc鈥檚 set to expand and change name
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