Fifteen B.C. colleges and universities will be represented at a free public Post-Secondary Information Night event on Monday, Oct. 2 starting at 7 p.m. in the Atrium of the new Trades building on the Okanagan College Campus in 琉璃神社.
This is the first year that PSI-BC is hosting an evening for parents and local secondary school students, to help them better understand the BC post-secondary system and access information directly from institutions as they look ahead to decisions on which college or university program they might attend.
While post-secondary reps have visited high schools in the Okanagan for many years, the school-hour schedule has traditionally made it difficult for parents to participate in the conversation. The evening includes a presentation focused on the many post-secondary options and paths for students in BC, followed by a fair for attendees to interact directly with reps from all 15 institutions in attendance.
PSI-BC is a collaborative group of B.C. post-secondary institutions acting as partners in supporting students and high school counsellors in BC high schools. The group strives to assist each student in their search to find both the institution and the program available in the province that best fits their personal and career objectives.