ÁðÁ§ÉñÉç RCMP officers may have been working out of the building for a few weeks now, but next Tuesday will mark the official public opening of the new ÁðÁ§ÉñÉç police services building. The building houses the ÁðÁ§ÉñÉç RCMP detachment.
The City of ÁðÁ§ÉñÉç and the local RCMP will be joined by special guests and dignitaries to officially open the new $54 million building, located on Clement Avenue at Richter Street, on Tuesday, June 27.
The event will feature a ceremonial march by officers in red serge dress uniforms starting at the old detachment building on Doyle Avenue starting at 10:30 a.m. The troop of Mounties in red serge will be joined by a parade of auxiliary constables, RCMP volunteers and civilian staff employees from the regional detachment area.
To accommodate the parade and opening event, there will be minor traffic impacts, says the city.
Doyle Avenue will be temporarily closed outside of the old ÁðÁ§ÉñÉç RCMP detachment from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. to accommodate the parade portion of the opening ceremony on June 27.
The parade will head east on Doyle Avenue toward Ellis Street, turn left on Ellis, right on Clement Avenue and end at the new building at the corner of Clement and Richter. There will be rolling road closures along Doyle Avenue from Water Street to Ellis Street, Ellis Street from Doyle Avenue to Clement Avenue and Clement Avenue from Ellis Street to Richter Street to accommodate the march.
There will be also be a lane closure on Richter Street for sound-bound traffic from Vaughan Avenue to Clement Avenue in effect from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the day to accommodate the opening ceremony.