Thirteen years after the city approved Salmon Arm's SmartCentres development, the current council is facing another proposal for the site, this time involving housing.
On the agenda for the Aug. 6 development and planning services committee is an application to amend the city's zoning bylaw to accommodate the development of "residential multiple family dwelling (apartment) buildings" in the comprehensive development zone 8 (CD8) at 2991 9th Ave. SW, and "address related on-site parking, height and setback requirements.
SmartCentres's plans are laid out in a proposal letter received by the city. The company's concept plan for the property east of the Winners/Dollarama lot includes two six-storey buildings with 130 residential units in one and 95 in the other. The buildings would include a mix of one- and two-bedroom units.
SmartCentres is also looking to add two new commercial buildings, each about 5,000 square feet.
To accommodate the proposed development, SmartCentres is looking to increase the allowable maximum building height for the principal building from 12 metres (39.4 feet) to 19 m (62.3 ft). It also wishes to reduce the minimum parking requirement for off-street parking from 1.25 spaces per dwelling to .82. SmartCentres is also asking to reduce the minimum setbacks for the principal and accessory buildings (apartments), and a reduction to the minimum parcel size or site area from 2 ha to .202 ha.
"The purpose of the text amendments is to position the property to allow residential development to occur when the market and financial conditions improve," reads the SmartCentres letter. "The intent is to phase the municipal approvals process, with the initial step being the zoning text amendments, followed by development permits for one or more residential buildings."
The property was zoned CD8 for the SmartCentres development, which was approved in October 2011 after public hearings were held over several days at the SASCU Recreation Centre. The larger venue was needed to accommodate those interested in the project.