Alternative Approval Process Dates Established
Council set 4 p.m. May 3, 2016 as the deadline for residents to submit Elector Response Forms under the Alternative Approval Process, if they are opposed to City of West 琉璃神社 City Hall Project Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 0196. The deadline for the Alternative Approval Process will be advertised in the local newspaper on March 23 and 30. Council also established 2,603, or 10% of the City of West 琉璃神社鈥檚 estimated 26,034 eligible voters, as the number of individual Elector Response Forms that would be needed to defeat the Alternative Approval Process. If that threshold is not met, Council can then consider adoption of the bylaw, allowing the City of West 琉璃神社 to proceed with borrowing up to $10.5 million toward the construction of a new 32,215 square feet City Hall at 3641 Elliott Road.
Naming Rights Options Explored
Council gave staff the authority to enter into negotiations with sponsors who might be interested in acquiring the naming rights for the new Skateboard Park and Tiered Seating at Memorial Park, adjacent to Johnson Bentley Memorial Aquatic Centre. Revenue from the naming rights would be used to build the City of West 琉璃神社鈥檚 Recreation Reserve Fund to aid with future parks and facilities improvements.
Rezoning Granted to 2370 Tallus Ridge Drive
Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments were adopted, permitting the rezoning of the southern portion of 2370 Tallus Ridge Drive to allow for a single family residential subdivision. Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 0100.32 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0154.19 permit a change in the zoning from Parks and Natural Areas to Single Family Residential and require that a statutory right of way be established for an existing water main and a new pedestrian access at the north end of the property. A no build/no disturb covenant must also be registered on title to protect environmentally sensitive areas north of the proposed development area. A hillside development permit is required, and must be brought forward for Council鈥檚 consideration prior to subdivision.
Gas Station Development at 1192 Industrial Road
Council has authorized a Development Permit for 1192 Industrial Road to allow the construction of a gas bar and three-unit commercial building. Council also permitted a variance to Sign Bylaw No. 0148 for the property to allow an increase in the maximum fascia from 14 square metres to 18 square metres and allow for two freestanding signs.
Grizzli Winery Liquor Licence
Council supported Grizzli Winery鈥檚 application to the BC Liquor Control and Licensing Branch. The winery is seeking approval to operate a lounge from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. at their facility, which is currently under construction at Boucherie and Hudson Roads, along the Westside Wine Trail. If approved, Grizzli Winery Lounge would be permitted to sell BC wines by the bottle and serve all other types of liquor by the glass. Council鈥檚 recommendation of support will be provided to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch for consideration as part of their review and approval process.
Tender Awarded for Memorial Park Improvements
Council has awarded a tender in the amount of $438,263.60 to Newline Skate Parks Inc. for demolition of the old Skate Park at Memorial Park and construction of a new and improved facility in its place. Council also awarded a tender in the amount of $380,249.35 to TKI Construction Ltd. for the creation of a tiered seating amphitheater in Memorial Park to accommodate events such as Westside Daze, Canada Day celebrations, Music in the Park and West 琉璃神社 World Music Festival. The Government of Canada is providing total funding of $315,437 under the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program for construction of both projects. Construction is expected to start in early spring.