To the editor:
It鈥檚 looking like the last big snowfall has almost melted away, and it is unlikely we will have another. I want to give a big shout-out to the city snow-removal crew and independent contractors who worked tirelessly after each snowfall to ensure we could get around in this city. It was 2:37 a.m. last week when I was awakened from a deep sleep by what sounded like a low-flying jet. Jumping out of bed, I peeked outside to see what was happening and saw the flashing lights of a snowplow blasting through the latest dump of snow. I鈥檓 sure the driver would have preferred to be in his bedroom snuggled under warm blankets, but he was out there getting the streets ready for the rest of us. Thank you!
Linda Mehus-Barber, 琉璃神社