To the editor:
Re: , (Capital News Oct. 4/17)
In my opinion, it is much too late for any gun control in the USA and elsewhere. Those who wish to obtain weapons can get them illegally if they do not qualify to get them the conventional way.
Instead it might be helpful to restrict the purchase of ammunition. I realize that there will be people who will create black market bullets, clips and the like, but the lawmakers could create regulations, laws, fines and/or punishments, for anybody who uses non-sanctioned ammunition, especially during the commission of a crime.
Such a change would not deprive upstanding citizens from their right to bear arms and the NRA could even purchase the ammunition on behalf of their upstanding members, thus leaving some of the responsibility for accountable gun usage on their shoulders.
Although this somewhat restrictive solution would not bring back any victims of gun violence, it might satisfy the NRA to the point where they no longer oppose any new legislation intended on saving lives.
Sylvia Schoepf, 琉璃神社
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