To the editor:
In parliament John Horgan has accused Christy Clark of being a Pollyanna lurching around on the good ship lollipop. No wonder. Christy Clark and the Liberal Party have had a very good ride in British Columbia. But in sixteen years of Liberal rule the general state of the majority of people has definitely not improved. For a government that boasts a surplus, the practical results are far from impressive. Seniors, the homeless, teachers, children, and the list goes on and on, all have all been shafted by a misguided reverse Robin Hood policy that gives to the rich and robs the poor and middle class. It is high time that the people of this province rise up and stand their ground against the corruption and malversation that appear to be the hallmark of Liberal politics today. It鈥檚 time for a change.
Laurence D. M. Marshall, 琉璃神社