Fresh out of the water, Vernon's Shanda Hill continues to chug along in first place.
The ultra athlete is one of 12 (and the only woman) competing at the first South African Deca Ultra Triathlon, hosted at the resort town of Gariep Dam.
Through five days, Hill has already completed the 38-kilometre swim in 16 hours and 24 minutes and has so far cycled 1,100 of 1,800 km. She is more than 100 km ahead of the second-place athlete.
"She has now been swimming and cycling for 98 hours straight," said her partner Jaccs Spence on social media. "On top of that, out of 12 athletes who entered the South Africa Deca, 10 full Iron distances, Shanda is the only female in the world taking on this challenge. She's been dominating the men for the past five days."
An African thunderstorm hit Gariep Dam whilst Hill was cycling, which was surprisingly "warm and refreshing."
"it's nothing like Canada, where the rain chills you to the bone," Hill said. "In South Africa, the rain poured down, and 10 minutes after it stopped, the heat dried up the road, and the sun was back out again."
Following the bike is a swift 422 km run for Hill.